Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Final List Of Qualifiers

Here is the final list of qualifiers for Guin's municipal elections on August 26th:

Phil Segraves
Ken Randolph

City Council:
Elaine Junkin
Phillip Garrison
Mineo Lindsey
Mike Hawkins
Cerell Metcalf
Tim Pierce
Bill Green
Steve Lolley
Brian Wideman
Boozer Pinkerton
Gary Randolph
Randall Guin
Kevin Williams

Now, it's time for the voters to decide. With each and every candidate, I believe you'll find one of two types of people. There are some who are forward thinkers and want the very best for Guin. They see the big picture and have a vision for Guin. One that allows our children and grandchildren to return home to work here and raise their families here. There are others, though, who would rather spend their time telling us what's wrong with Guin and why they believe Guin can't succeed. If you've followed me over my last four years, I think I've proven that I'm one of those guys who sees a bright future for this city and will do anything to help this community be successful. I truly believe it's important for our community to determine which of these candidates are progressive thinkers and vote them into office. If we don't, we may just watch as our neighbors take advantage of the opportunities to grow their cities along newly established I-22 while we spin our wheels over the next four years.


Anonymous said...

Bobby you have a great blogspot! I fully agree with the idea that the citizens of Guin need to support candidates who support the forward progression of Guin. You are definitely one of those candidates. Good Luck!

Bobby Bellew said...

Thanks Whitney! Your dad is one of those people as well. He has my complete support and if there's anything I can do to help with the campaign, please let me know.

Anonymous said...

It sure is easy to see who is looking to move Guin forward. You and a few others have my full support. We have got to keep moving forward and keep the BAD apples out (one down one to go). Can you tell us what you know about Kevin Williams? Plus what side of the fence is Boozer on, my guess is that he fits in the category of the apples.

Bobby Bellew said...

Thank you so much for your support. I don't know much about Kevin other than I see him working at Jimbo's BBQ. He may be part owner as well. As far as Boozer is concerned, I haven't talked with him in a while, but I do believe he's fairly tight with the Randolphs.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be interesting. I like the top seven on your list. I really hope the people of Guin have learned their lesson with one on that list!!

Anonymous said...

You are very correct. We all need to be smart in using our 7 votes to insure our City is successful. We already have enough roadblocks to face without creating our own. The folks that focus on the negative and keep the gossip circle supplied with random ideas of ignorance are the same ones that will not lift a finger to do something positive for our city. It's easy for people to sit back and throw stones, but it will take leadership to address the challenges we face and create opportunity.

Bobby Bellew said...

Thank you all for your comments. It's apparent that you are concerned about Guin's future and want to see us elect those who'll take us forward.