Monday, July 14, 2008

Qualified Candidates As Of July 14th

With election qualifying ending tomorrow, here is an updated list of candidates for both city council and mayor of Guin.

Phil Segraves
Ken Randolph

Bill Green
Tim Pierce
Elaine Junkin
Brian Wideman
Steve Lolley
Cerell Metcalf
Mineo Lindsey
Mike Hawkins
Gary Randolph
Randall Guin


Anonymous said...

Is Agnew running??

Bobby Bellew said...

The latest I heard was that he is not running this time, but we'll know for sure tomorrow at the close of business. I'll post the final list tomorrow night.

Anonymous said...

are Lindsey and Hawkins pro Seagraves or in the Randolph camp??

Bobby Bellew said...

I'm not sure about Hawkins, but I do believe Lindsey is a progressive thinker likely siding with many of the ideas Phil has for the future of our town.

Anonymous said...

any new candidates so far today??

Bobby Bellew said...

Boozer Pinkerton qualified for city council late yesterday. I'll get an updated list at the end of day and post the full list tonight.