The Journal Record has an article recapping all Marion County elections. Also, there are a couple of pictures of Missy Miles working on the city's downtown mural. You can see the online version at
You can follow Missy's progress at
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I would like to thank everyone for their support during my campaign. I hope the new council can accomplish alot for the city of Guin.
You're going to be a tremendous asset for our city and great addition to our city council. I'm looking forward to working with you and the rest of the new council on moving Guin forward.
I would like to thank all the people who voted and supported me during my campaign for city council. It was so much fun meeting new friends and visiting with old friends while I campaigned. I want to thank my dad who put up signs and talked to people when I couldn’t, even while taking cancer treatments. I know he felt bad at times. A special thanks to Logan, my seven year old grandson for being my official Saturday morning campaign manager. He looked forward to Saturday morning each week, always asking where we were going this time.
I remember the Guin of old when you couldn’t find parking on Saturday and you bumped shoulders to walk down the street. I will always remember my Paw taking me to town and buying me a hamburger at Snows cafĂ© and working with Ms Mammie Weeks at Stermans department store. I want my grandchildren to have some of those same memories, but without new businesses in our town, that dream may not happen. This new council has the opportunity to start new and work together to build a greater Guin.
Your servant always,
Bill Green
Thank you for you message. I share your concern for our community and truly desire to see our city prosper.
i have a few questions
what is the city clerks salary?
what is the assitant clerks salary?
why did the city go out of county to cater the governor's luncheon and the industrial banquet?
a straight and honest answer would be appreciated
The city of Guin pays office personnel $5770(69,240 per year) per month. This includes salaries for both the city clerk and assistant city clerk.
Both of the functions you asked about were catered by Swamp Johns. Swamp Johns, while not physically located in Guin or Marion County, does have a business license for the city of Guin and gives back thousands of dollars to our community each year through the many fundraising opportunities they provide. I was personally involved in a fundraiser for the Marion County baseball team in which we used their services. We were able to raise over $1500 in one evening. Additionally, we have used and continue to use our local restaurants for many functions throughout the year.
Thank you for your concern.
you know that good to raise that much money that fast,but you know are city had sign hanging around saying IT MAKE CENT TO BUY IN GUIN. I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE THEM SIGN IN THE TRASH PEOPLE DOESE NOT SUPPORT THERE OWN TOWN I DO NOT CARE WHAT NO ONE SAYS.
I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about it, but thank you for your concern for our city.
I hope you have enough concern for our city that you're doing things to help make Guin better. Many people complain, but only a select few actually take part in those things which might help us grow and prosper. Which one are you?
Bobby just to let you know which one am i.I am the one that gave 18years of service in the fire dept.That more time then most people live in guin.I have also gave a lot of my free time to the city events.trying to help kids out that do not have christmas.THAT WHO I AM.I KNOW MORE PEOPLE IN GUIN,WINFIELD HAMITON ETC..THAT ARE GOOD PEOPLE SO YOU ASK WHO I AM/ WHO ARE YOU??? I KNOW HOPE THE CITY GROWS AND THE COUNCILMAN GET ALONG.
That's great. I sincerely appreciate that you contributed positively to our community through your works. We need more people willing to contribute their time to our community to help us prosper and grow.
Some, though, like to sit in the coffee shops and complain about what they believe is wrong, but if they would actually put the amount of time they spend gossiping into something that positively affects our city, our community would be better off for it.
does the city clerk and assistant also draw saleries from the water dept. and the gas company?
please elaborate on the money swamp johns has given back. what programs and how much each?
i can not imagine having the gov. in town and not spotlighting the local restaurants, that is a slap in the face to all who have paid a city license.
Yes, they do get paid by the Guin Water Department and by Northwest Alabama Gas District for the work they do for those entities. Likewise, the City of Guin pays them for the work they do for us.
Swamp Johns has participated in fundraisers for numerous groups in Guin. Some of those include MCHS baseball, MCHS cheerleaders, MCHS Booster Club, and Guin Elementary School. They have done fundraisers for churches as well. I don't want to try to name the churches as to not run the risk of making a mistake, but the point remains that Swamp Johns contributes an extensive amount of money to our community through their fundraisers. Each amount differs depending on the number of plates purchased, but I feel confident, based on the amount we raised with the baseball team, that Swamp Johns has funnelled $8,000 - $10,000 to our community over the last several years.
We have used and continue to use our local restaurants for many functions. I've been a part of functions, including the city's Industrial Board Banquet, in which Plaza, Jimbo's, and the former Apple Farm catered. So, any assumption that we don't use our local businesses for such things is just dishonest.
Thank you for your concern. I do hope you practice what you preach and spend your money in Guin when possible.
Bobby does the city pay the clerks,when they take up money for the gas bill and water bills? It seams that that money sould go back to the town if they are getting paid buy the town.Also if so will this keep going after they retire.or will it stop and the money goes back to the town.If so that would be a pretty good job.three pay checks how the town pay you to sit there.I know they do a lot of work but if they are sitting there they should collect the bills.since the town owns both of them.Best of luck in the up coming years.
I'm not following your question exactly, but I'll try to explain how I understand it works.
The city of Guin pays the clerk and assistant clerk from the general fund for the work that's done for our city. The Guin Water Dept. has their own budget and pays them for what they do for them. That includes collecting bills, but it also includes mailings and managing the entire process. The same goes for the Gas District. The District has their own budget and pays both the clerk and assistant clerk for managing the process. I'll be honest, I'm not sure of all the every duty associated with managing the gas and water stuff, but I do know it's more than collecting bills. I know it, at least, includes managing hookups and disconnects, mailings, and collecting bills.
The next time you're in City Hall, I encourage you to pay attention to the work that's going in that office. If you hang around for just a few minutes, you'll understand how much work is done for all three entities. These employees work very hard and deserve more than what they get. Most of the city services that you and I enjoy each day are centrally managed in that office. It's easy for people to stand on the outside and complain about how something is done without a full understanding of what is involved, but I can tell you firsthand what these ladies mean to our community.
Thank you for your concern.
You are a better man than I am! :-)
Maybe Anonymous should run for council next election, since he/she has it all figured out.
At times, it's very difficult to take the high road. :-) Good to hear from you.
i can not believe you think the city clerks deserve more than they get. with the condition of this town those figures are outrageous and foolish. this money could be spent on many other things more beneficial to the people of guin. one day the good people of guin will see thru the smoke and take this town back over. as for your pitiful excuse of using swap johns over local restaurants, i would keep that thought to myself because it does not wash. i think the town can take up the "it make cents to buy in guin" signs because the city does not follow this and to say they do is DISHONEST
Ok, listen, I'm offering up factual information for you anonymous posters here in Guin, but obviously that means nothing to any of you. This is exactly what the "coffee shop" mentality is all about. You and your counterparts love to hide behind your keyboards and complain about what's wrong, but you fail to make any effort whatsoever to help move this city forward or offer a single solution to any issue.
I'm sorry, but I fail to remember seeing anonymous at a single council meeting over the last four years. If you're so concerned about the future of this city, you would get involved in community activities and offer up your time and resources for the betterment of the city. You would offer up logical solutions to issues facing this town. You would come to City Hall and offer up your services for future openings on our Park Board, Water Board, Industrial Board, etc.. You might contact our schools and volunteer your time. Open a business or contact someone who might be interested in investing in Guin. Organize neighborhood cleanup days, get involved with Santa's Workshop and provide the less fortunate kids of your community with a Christmas, work with Habitat for Humanity, or host a youth devotional at your home. Do something to help this community move forward. what you always have and continue to hide behind a keyboard or in the coffee shop complaining about what could be or has been. Either way, I choose to help this city move forward and prosper so my unborn child may have a future. You and your anonymous buddies are welcome to come with me, but, for some reason, I just don't see it happening.
let us try this again, i have made two suggestions to help the city
1.cut the silly spending
2.spend city money in guin
there is no justification for the city clerk of guin to be possibly the top paid clerk in the state
there is no justification for going out of town for food needs. swamp johns cooks food and sells it for more than normal, they cut no better price for community events than anything else. i am sure the local restaurants would do the same.
as for your long winded answer, i do not see any council member opening a business or trying to promote business. how about it bobby, will you open a business,cut office spending, and keep city money in town or continue down the dull road guin is on now. will you practice what you preach. i look forward to your big answer about nothing after you consult the "clique"
good luck and may your eyes be opened one day and you will be your own man
Bobby, I have not had a chance to get on your blog for several days now and see what is going on. It appears the exchange of ideas are still rampant, which is good. Nothing can be accomplished without communication.
There is one point I would like to inject though. I am in the coffee shop (Frosty Front) almost every morning. I do not know if you are including the Frosty Front in on your list of coffee shops, but I can say that I do not hear a lot of negative criticism in there. I do hear people who give their opinion, but they also have earned their right to give their opinion because of the following reasons:
1- They have lived here for many years
2- They raised a family here
3- They have contributed to the city through community efforts
4- They have paid their taxes in this town, and continue to do so
5- The First Amendment
I don't think it's right or fair to classify everyone who eats in the coffee shop as being a person who criticizes and yet unwilling to help change the city. I agree that we all should be going to the city council meetings, but do you think it a good idea for the city councilmen to go to those coffee shops every once in a while to see what is being said? What better way to eliminate negative criticism (not all criticism is negative) than to hear what is being said. Sure, there are bad apples...on both sides, not just the coffee shoppers. I would like to invite you to come and eat with us at the Frosty Front some morning. You may see that it is not as bad as advertised.
Thank you for your input. I do eat in those coffee shops and do understand that all of the talk is not negative and could be constructive if followed up with action. My point is that some of the talk may be destructive or based on misinformation. As you know, rumors spread rapidly in a small town and can hinder progress at times. My hope and desire is that more people will limit the talk and actually get out and help move us forward by contributing to some of the things I mentioned earlier. I'm planning a post that might identify areas across the community where work is needed and where our citizens might get involved. It's going to take all of us to grow and succeed.
bobby i came to a city council meeting one time,and the frist thing i was ask is what do you want.I just wanted to listen and i felt bad beging there.It seams they did not want me there.I hope you know that people that eats in coffee shop do pay taxes in the city.I use to work at 3m and they were more talk out there than any coffee shop in Guin.I Think if you do not want people to sign ANONYMOUS YOU SHOULD GET RID OF THIS SITE.Sometimes the truth hurts,and peolpe do not want to hear it.Good luck in the next 4 years bobby with the new council.
The Mayor and council do everything in their power to make the right decisions to see Guin prosper. Everyone may not agree with the decisions, and that is his or her right. But know, this administration would never do anything to offend this town's businesses. In fact, the banquet referred to in an earlier post is to honor our businesses. I have never seen other cities in the county in the paper for honoring their businesses with a banquet. I have always heard that you should be a part of the solution not the problem. So, if one is TRULY concerned about this town and wants the best for its citizens, he or she will find a positive way to contribute. People truly concerned should figure out how their talents could best serve our community. Everyone has an opinion and right to voice it, but what we do with our opinion makes the difference.
I suggest that everyone read Bobby's posts again, he referred to the coffee shop "mentality" not the actual people who frequent local diners. Compare it to monday morning quarterbacking, maybe that makes more sense.
Bobby clearly stated that Swamp Johns has a GUIN business license, and has been used for fundraisers in the past. Do other Guin restaurants even offer fundraisers?
Also, there are only a few local choices for food, I see no problem with using Swamp Johns occasionally. I love the Frosty and Plaza BBQ, but you cant eat it all the time!
Anonymous' tone in his/her posts is generally negative, that is what Bobby is calling out. If anyone has any concerns about who/what/when/where/why about any city government function then you should make an appointment to meet with Mayor Segraves, I am sure he will be more than happy to explain it to you. Don't whine about it on some blog, go look into it!
Lastly, off all the things to worry about, why is Anonymous so worried about how much the city clerk makes? The many posts he/she has posted on this subject leads me to believe it is more of a personal anger issue than a legitimate concern over what the city pays them. Just a thought!
The wagon will never start rolling if we are pulling it from both sides!!!
Thank you Whitney and Chad. You guys made my point better than I did.
yes, it does make me angry and it is personal when my tax dollars go to pay ridiculous saleries and tax dollars get spent on out of town food. enough on that because obviously it is not getting through to some people. let us talk about "keep progress going" whoa!!!!!!! i must be looking at a differnt town, let me name the progress the last few years.
dollar general-closed
apple farm-closed
unique expressions-closed
kathys flowers-closed
guin flower shop-closed
chanpion homes-closed
super dollar-moved
blue duck cafe-closed
1 grocery store
1 drug store
1 empty shoping center
1 empty dollar general building
several empty downtown buildings
failed take over of twin
tried to ban certain people with certain sexual preferences from town functions
helped sell record number of journal records with circus meetings
on the brighter side a few new businesses have opened in guin (good luck)
only thing accomplished in the last few years is more of the same,swamp johns making money, city clerks making more money than anyone.
i hope the new council has the guts to stand up to the so called "powers that be" or " the clique" in town and pull us out of a hole PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
To the uninformed, you're information might mean something, but to those of us who actually know the facts, it means nothing. The facts are that you failed to mention many of the very successful businesses in town like K&S Outdoors, Hardware Plus, McDonald Signs, Fred's, McGuire Drug, etc.. You also failed to mention that Champion Homes closed after several profitable years. They closed strictly based on an executive decision that had nothing to do with the efforts of the facility in Guin or our city government. You also failed to mention the fact that Deer Valley Homes, who located here less than five years ago, has been very successful and continues to grow. The idea that you believe we failed at a "take over" of Twin is laughable. We never tried to "take over" Twin, but attempted to annex a swath of land from Guin to our land on Corridor X to allow us to bring that land into our city limits. In fact, the incorporation of Twin was seen in most circles as an attempt to block us from our land and HINDER progress.
If I actually believed I might change your mind about things, I could actually refute each and every piece of spin you've brought to the table with fact and logic. The problem with that, though, is that it's obvious your desire is to try to discredit those who don't believe the way you do and any effort to prove otherwise is a complete waste of time.
I appreciate that you might actually care about the future of our city, but if it is your desire to only discredit others and hinder those of us who are actually taking action to move us forward, then I invite you to move on. If you or any of the other anonymous posters want to engage in a logical discussion about how to move this community forward, feel free to offer your input, but to continue to try to discredit the leaders of this community only contributes to the problem.
Bobby, it is a waste of time to try to reason with Anonymous. He or she is clearly bitter and clueless about what they are saying.
You can look at any organization and point out faults, no one is perfect. Everyone has the winning gameplan monday after the game.
Anonymous, it has been explained to you numerous times by Bobby about your concerns over the city clerks pay and the choice of using an out of town restaraunt to cater an event. Here are a couple of suggestions for you:
1. If you have concerns over the pay, make an appointment with the Mayor and discuss it with him face to face.
2. It is a common place thing to use catering services for special functions. And it is common to use restaurants that the people attending the function do not normally eat at everyday. This is done to make the event special for the attendees. SWAMP JOHNS HAS A GUIN BUSINESS LICENSE! Your logic on this makes no sense.
Small business comes and goes in small cities, it has always been like that. Guin is not the only city to have businesses close recently. Since when is it the governments responsiblity to manage private business owners?
Quit hiding behind your computer, go talk to the Mayor, go the the council meetings and get involved. Your negative rants on here have been proven pointless and without merit.
I agree with Bobby that the City cannot be blamed for failed businesses. The local businss owner has to be held liable to some degree. Also, SBA (Small Business Administration) states that the average percentage of failure of small businesses within 2 years is approximately 85%. That is nationwide.
Likewise, the city cannot take credit for successful businesses either. You can't have it both ways... The successful businesses in town would be successful anywhere they went, because they are good business people with good business sense.
Also, FYI, Deer Valley is closing their plant in Sulligent, so they really are not growing. This came to me over the weekend from a line foreman who works there.
Finally, instead of seeing who can win this argument (Bobby vs. Anonymous), why not LISTEN to each other instead of HEARING each other. Both of you make some very sound points, but neither one is going to convince the other to change their mind. Get off the HOW it's being said and listed to WHAT is being said. That's what makes good leaders.
Small businesses in small towns are risky investments. I'm glad that our local business owners are willing to invest in our city and provide us with the needed goods and services. There are so many factors involved in the success of a small business in a small town. The types of goods or services provided, the uniqueness and quality of those goods, loyalty, and reputation all have an effect on the success of a small business. While the city of Guin can't determine the success or failure of a business, I do believe it is our responsibility to promote those businesses as much as possible and provide them a downtown area which is attractive and one in which people want to gather and visit.
I was not aware of the Deer Valley plant in Sulligent closing. In recent months, I do know that the Guin plant has hired a few more folks and that's what I was referring to. They may have shifted their work from Sulligent to Guin requiring a few additional positions.
Thank you for the input.
I agree with the promotional aspect. Any town owes it to the business owner to try to help draw customers into their area. Thus the Chamber of Commerce. SBA states the main cause of failures in small businesses is undercapitalization. After that, credit. Third, poor marketing.
Any thoughts about my other part of the comment; about listening instead of hearing?
I have no issue with listening to each and every citizen on their ideas. I do have a problem, though, with uninformed opinions. My goal is that our citizens will get involved in community activities, come to council meetings, and understand the true issues of the city. I do sincerely welcome all opinions and want input from all areas of our community, but I do hope that when our citizens form opinions, they are based on fact.
Hi bobby it looks like you would take off the old news.Like election recap.July and aug.This is old news let come out with postive news instead of neg news.The election is over and i hope the new councimans do what is right for the town.Good luck in the next 4 years.This is your blog and you do what feel right to do thanks
Anonymous has really turned out to be a sour grape.
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