Monday, November 3, 2008

Guin's New Administration Sworn In To Office

Tonight, Marion County's Circuit Clerk, Sheila Bozeman, swore in your newly elected administration for the four year term beginning November 1, 2008. We then carried out the organizational meeting making several required appointments and establishing our rules of procedure. The following appointments were made and unanimously agreed upon by the council:

Chairman Pro Tem - Elaine Junkin

NW AL Gas Board Member - Mayor Phil Segraves

Police Chief - G.B. Blaylock

Fire Chief - Eddie Gunter

City Clerk - Norma Nelson

Court Clerk - Terri Dennis

Bank Deposits - Wachovia

Special Accounts - State Bank and Trust

City Attorney - Jerry Hester

We also agreed upon using Robert's Rules of Order as our model for meeting procedure. There was one amendment, though. We agreed that agendas will be established before the meeting and any changes requiring action would be approved by majority vote before the meeting begins. This will help us keep order and will allow everyone the opportunity to be properly informed of items requiring our attention.

I sincerely believe we now have a council which is willing to work together for the betterment for our city. I look forward to the exciting and challenging opportunities we'll face over the next four years. Thank you again for entrusting me to this position. I'll continue to use this outlet as a two way discussion on the issues facing our city. Please feel free to pass on your concerns publicly through the blog's comment section or privately at

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