Monday, December 15, 2008

City News - December 15, 2008

Merry Christmas to all! The City Council held the last business meeting of 2008 this evening. There was a short agenda this evening with only two topics of old business which needed discussion or action. The first order of business was to resolve some questions relative to the proposed use of RPS for our ambulance service. The management team from RPS was unable to attend this evening, so we tabled any discussion until the first meeting of 2009. At that time, we'll have both RPS and our current provider, Northwest Hospital, available to resolve any questions or issues with the services they provide.

The final order of business was to take action on a annual one time payment given to city employees. While this has traditionally been approved for our employees as a Christmas time supplement to their salaries, we had to take a closer look this year at the city's financial picture to determine if it was feasible to release such payment. The finance committee reviewed our situation resolving that if any payment would be made, it would have to be reduced from last year's amount. That amount was equal to one week's salary of each employee. So, tonight, Elaine Junkin motioned that each full time employee receive a $200 one time payment, while part time employees would receive a $50 supplement. The motion gained a second, but was voted down on a 4 - 3 vote. Those voting for the proposal were Mayor Segraves, Elaine Junkin, and Phillip Garrison and those against were myself, Cerell Metcalf, Boozer Pinkerton, and Gary Randolph. Mineo Lindsey had to leave the session early in preparation for the lead role in his church musical and was not present for the vote. For me personally, this was the hardest decision I've ever made as a council member given the effect it would have on people I consider friends and employees who deserve much more than what the city can afford to pay them. We have a great workforce in the city of Guin and, by no means, is my vote a reflection on their performance. It was strictly based on the financial situation of our city and the economic conditions we're currently facing. It is my hope that this is a short term problem and we can continue this payment again next year.

In other news, the city accountant gave us an update on the budget cuts our department heads have proposed for 2009. Overall, we're looking at a projected $100,000 reduction in expenses over the next year. The details of those reductions are still being finalized and will be presented at a later date.

Finally, I again wish each and everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy, Safe, and Prosperous New Year. This is my favorite time of year. God has blessed me and Heather with wonderful families and so many close friends that we get to spend time with during the holidays. I wish you all the same blessings. See you next year and Roll Tide! ;-)


Anonymous said...

Based on the motion by Mrs. Junkin what would the total $'s that the city would have paid to it's employees? Could the vote not have taken place before Mr. Lindsey left? Did the city make it known to the employees that they might not receive this money this year?

Bobby Bellew said...

The total amount would have been approximately $3000 - $3500.

Unfortunately, the meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:30 P.M. By law, a city council meeting cannot begin before the posted time. According to what I know, Mr. Lindsey was the lead in the musical and had to be at the church at 6:30 P.M.

The city employees were aware of our financial problems and knew that each and every expense had to be analyzed accordingly, but, unfortunately based on the fact that they've always received some type of payment, they probably did not expect that it would be cut this year.

Anonymous said...

$3000-$3500 I can't believe that the city is that broke!! True I don't understand everything there is to know about running a small town but we are talking about policemen that risk their lives daily, people that ride garbage trucks and fix water leaks in freezing weather, and the city can't give them $200 at Christmas. Would the monthly salaries for the council and mayor cover this??? I am shocked that some of the people I voted for were against this. Is the lead in a church play more important than gifts for children at Christmas. I am more embaressed at this than anything that the former council did.

Bobby Bellew said...

No doubt, our city employees are very deserving of much more than they get. Unfortunately, the economic conditions we're facing do require that we make drastic changes to the way we do business. The city of Guin is no different than the company I work for or the one you may work for in that we have to cut back in all areas to survive. And yes, $3000 seems like a small amount, but we as a city have to become self sufficient. That means we need to be able to pay our bills without borrowing any additional money. I feel as bad as anyone that we have affected those who do so much good for our community in the process.