Monday, October 27, 2008

Guin Park and Rec Haunted House

Guin Park and Rec are putting on a Haunted House at the National Guard Armory in Guin. The cost for entrance is $6. Children 12 and under will need a parent or guardian with them for entrance. The hours of operation are Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday this week from 6:30 - 11 P.M. and Saturday from 6:30 until all patrons have been served. Please make an effort to get out and visit and encourage others to as well. I have had the pleasure of helping with the constuction and can assure you that it's well worth the $6 you'll pay to get in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much to you and Heather for your help with the Haunted House! It has really been a lot of fun and has brought a lot of people to Guin who normally would not have been here during the week. Again let me offer my appreciation for your continued support of our park programs.

Lorie Mayo